Book Review; Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell.

I loved this book!!! I found it very difficult to put this book down (though I did a couple times) and I felt drawn into the story and Cath’s world. Being that it centres around fanfiction, I wasn’t a massive fan of the excerpts of the fanfiction that Cath wrote being at the end of the chapters. It made sense for the story, but I personally struggled with it because it distracted me from the actual plot and Cath. I loved reading about the relationship between Cath and Wren (and I love their names). Seeing them fall apart and the stress that Cath was under in the first semester felt very real and relatable. It was really interesting to read the differences in how they treated their mother, though the whole debacle did make me really dislike Wren. In fact, the entire book minus the last four chapters made me strongly dislike Wren. I also liked Cath and Wren’s father and it felt nice to see a depiction of bipolar, and how it’s affected Cath. It was difficult to see how it affected Wren, but then, Wren was difficult. I really liked Reagan. She was possibly the most mature character in the book and I thought she was brilliant. I loved the way she handled living with Cath and drawing her out of their room. I also found her dislike of twins pretty entertaining. For the first quarter of the book I was trying to figure out if Cath would date Nick or Levi. I never really liked Nick and I liked the culmination of their storyline, with Cath receiving the support of Professor Piper (I imagine that Cath really frustrated her for the majority of the novel and fair dos to the woman for sticking out and supporting Cath) as well as her friends. However, I did really like Levi. I liked him from the moment he offered to walk Cath to her lectures in the dark, because I thought that was really sweet and gentlemanly. I just really loved this book and I thank the person who recommended it to me, because it was brilliant. Rating = 5* / 5*. |
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