Monday, 29 January 2018

Book Review: The Shock of the Fall, bu Nathan Filer.

Book Review: The Shock of the Fall, bu Nathan Filer.

The Shock of the Fall

I DNFed this book at exactly 100 pages, or 31%. 

I have no idea what was happening in this book or where it was heading, or even really, where it had come from. It felt like everything was about Simon, but Simon died three pages into the book and I still couldn’t figure out what he’d actually died from. All I know he suffered from was weak muscles and Downs Syndrome. Aside from poor writing and inconsistent plot, the characters weren’t brilliant either. Matthew was boring, and his parents were flat. 

The first 31% of this book doesn’t convince me that Matthew is actually schizophrenic because he feels too together in the novel. His thoughts and feelings are pretty present and his schizophrenia isn’t shown through his behaviour and language, but he tells you. It’s just a massive disappointment.

Rating = 1* / 5*.

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