Saturday, 19 August 2017

Book Review: The Legend of the Blue Eyes by B. Kristin McMichael

The Legend of the Blue Eyes, #1. by B. Kristin McMichael

Image result for the legend of the blue eyes

This was a really interesting book. I particularly liked the concept of the four night humans - dearg-dul, baku, lycan and tengu. Unfortunately, a lot of the novel is dedicated to Arianna, the main character, being doted on and kissed by various boys, rather than on the plot, which was the interesting aspect of this novel. I still don't know what the legend of the blue eyes is, but I don't know if I want to read the second book to find out. 

Arianna has four boys surrounding her; Devin, Turner, Andrew and Thomas. I personally found Turner the most interesting and fleshed out with actual characterisation. Devin, while I liked him at the beginning, simply devolved into "I'm protecting you because of your grandfather" and became a relatively boring character. Andrew and Thomas only came in near the end so while Arianna has already kissed Andrew, we know barely anything about him. Thomas is motivated by a family debt so maybe kissing won't be occurring for him in the near future?

I did really like the friendship between Lord Randolph and Gabriel. I did prefer Gabriel of the two, but I thought they were both interesting and I wish that more of the book had delved into their friendship, the war between the dearg-dul and the Baku and why that made Arianna so special.

Rating = 3* / 5*

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