Sunday, 20 August 2017

Manga Review: Silver Spoon, Volume 1, by Arakawa Hiromi

Silver Spoon, Volume 1, by Arakawa Hiromi.

Image result for silver spoon volume 14

This is a slice of life manga from Arakawa Hiromi, who also wrote Full Metal Alchemist, and is influenced by the part of her life which she spent on a dairy farm.

This follows Hachiken Yugo who moves to an agricultural high school in order to get away from his family, knowing nothing about agriculture. I just love Hachiken! He's just so relatable, struggling with what to do and the lack of a dream to dedicate his life to. Finding himself surrounded by all of his classmates who have their own dreams (to become a veterinarian, take over the family farm or to work with horses) only depresses Hachiken more.  

I love Yezo High School! It's just so friendly and the students are brilliant. I always thought that it would be difficult to show secondary character development in manga, but Arakawa Hiromi manages it spectacularly. There is such a diverse secondary cast that are enjoyable to read besides Hachiken and I think that it's brilliant.

Also, there is seriously so much food involved in this manga. It makes me hungry just reading it, and it all looks delicious. I feel Hachiken's struggle.  

Rating = 5* / 5*

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