Sunday, 6 August 2017

Book Review: Jack Reacher #1-4, by Lee Child

Jack Reacher by Lee Child

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Jack Reacher #1

This was a great introduction to the Jack Reacher series, even though the plot was slightly confusing. The way it dealt with the monetary system was very interesting, though I did find it difficult to maintain an interest in Roscoe. I have the feeling that he's going to be like this with the women throughout the series.

Rating = 4* / 5*

Image result for lee child die trying

Jack Reacher #2

I love Jack Reacher, I think he's brilliant, but I found this novel somewhat confusing. I struggled to follow the plot, especially why certain locations were used (that might be because I live in Britain and don't know all the different state rules in America though).

That being said, Reacher was, as usual, awesome. The interaction between Reacher and Holly was brilliant and I really liked Garber. The use of the FBI and seeing into the FBI was really interesting.

Rating = 3* / 5*

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Jack Reacher #3

This was possibly my least favourite Jack Reacher novel. I found it confusing with all the various moving aspects of the plot, some of which I didn't fully understand the relevance of. However, I did guess the plot twist from about 20% in, which is very rare for me concerning Jack Reacher novels.

Rating = 3* / 5*

Image result for lee child die the visitor

Jack Reacher #4 (also known as Running Blind in the US)

I think this is possibly one of my favourite Jack Reacher novels. The plot was superb, and kept me questioning until the end. I admit that I fell into the exact same trap holes that the killer planned and I loved it! I really liked Harper, less so Lamarr and Poulton, and I loved the whodunnit style that the novel is written in. I liked Jodie less and personally didn't find her all that important to the novel. Obviously she's important to Reacher, but she was more of a secondary or tertiary character in the novel.

Just a question; why did the U.K. and Australia have it released as 'The Visitor' and everywhere else have it released as 'Running Blind'? Personally, I'm pretty glad that I live in the U.K. because The Visitor accurately portrays the plot.

Rating = 5* / 5*

In conclusion, I find Jack Reacher novels quite confusing at times which impacts on my ability to review them well, but I enjoy reading them despite the confusion. I think they're brilliant and I love the steadiness of Jack Reacher as a character. The womanising aspect I could do without, but I cope in the books with it.

Overall, I like them. They're hard to follow at times and slightly confusing but I like them and I'm gonna continue reading them (also, I started on book #13 which remains my favourite so far).

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